Listeners Will Have The Best Day Ever When They Hear The New LP From Baze And His Silly Friends

Courtesy:  Doodle Hollow Records

Courtesy: Doodle Hollow Records

Baze and his Silly Friends are back once again with their third full length record.  Call them “toddler rock” or “kindie rock”, it doesn’t matter.  Both titles fit for the band three albums in.  That’s because The Best Day Ever! carries the same poppy vibe of those records through all twelve of its tracks.  And parents will appreciate the fun lyrical themes throughout this new record.  The record kicks off with the fun Dixieland take on some of the most beloved nursery rhymes of all time in ‘Poor Mother Goose.’  This is without a doubt one of the most original ways to present such familiar literary works.  Audiences of any age will laugh at the sound effects used as front man Marc “Baze” Bazerman sings about Little Miss Muffet and the spider that sat down beside her.  There are also funny sound effects used at other points in the overall song that listeners will love no less with each listen.  This is just one example of their use.  Older audiences will be just as impressed with the fact that the trio could so easily transition from one song to another without missing a beat in the medley.

The album’s second song, ‘Fly (a caterpillar’s tale)’ is a little bit more reserved than the album’s opener.  But in its own right, it’s just as important an addition to the album.  That’s because it’s not just a song about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.  That’s the main focus.  But on a deeper level, one could argue that lyrically speaking, it’s an allegorical song aimed at younger audiences.  Bazerman sings in the song’s opening verse, “Though I’m just a little guy/I’ve got big, big dreams/I know if I really try/I can spread my wings/And fly.”  Again, on the surface, it’s obvious that this song is about a caterpillar getting ready to turn into something better.  On that deeper level though, parents and or teachers could use this single verse to start a discussion about their children/students building self-confidence.  The song’s chorus makes this even clear.  Bazerman and his band mates sing in the song’s chorus, “Look at me/Look at all that I can do/It’s easy if you believe/it all comes down to you.”  If that isn’t clear, it’s anyone guess what is.  It’s just one more example of all the positive songs that Baze and his Silly Friends have to offer audiences of all ages.

Bazerman and his band mates offer his audiences plenty of kid and family friendly songs throughout the course of The Best Day Ever!  That is clear through the album’s first two songs.  The fact that the band has established this so easily and so quickly is impressive.  The band wastes no time in establishing itself once more and introducing itself in fine fashion to new audiences.  There are so many songs from which audiences can choose as their favorites across the dozen tracks presented here.  One more that listeners (especially parents and teachers) might enjoy is the environmentally themed ‘A Little Green.’  Singer Stacia Newcomb joins the band to share vocal duties on this song.  While younger listeners might not catch on to it, this song actually has a little bit of a 1960s era sound about it not just because of its lyrics, but through its music, too.  Bazerman and Newcomb sing to listeners about taking care of the planet in the song.  They sing in the song’s chorus, “We can all make a difference/Hey/You and me/it won’t be that hard to do/If we’re all a little green.”  Some younger listeners might be able to grasp the lyrics.  And for those that might be too young to fully understand, this will be another good starting point to talk to those listeners and get them started young in terms of helping to care for the planet.  It’s one more of so many songs that audiences will enjoy once the album is released.  The album will be released this Fall.  In the meantime, families can hear some of the band’s new material live as the band performs live in support of The Best Day Ever!  The band will perform a semi-hometown show on Saturday, October 5th at the Collingswood Book Festival in Collingswood, New Jersey.  The band will also perform a pair of shows late in October as the new album’s release date nears.  Audiences can find out when and where on the band’s official Facebook page, and its official website,

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